Monday, May 14, 2012

Municipal wireless networks as an argument in the battles for the ' neutral networks '

Larry Lessig. ), According to information publication The Register.
' Last Mile ' on the basis of the municipal wireless network deprives operators like AT. At the present time there is an avalanche growth of municipal wireless mesh- networks, and the area covered by them often exceeds the area occupied by the city blocks. This allows you to connect a network of neighboring cities, creating, thus, continuous communication, which is independent from the management of commercial companies, said Lessig.
However, this process is still slower than what I would like Lessig. Recently, Google announced the launch of the operation of free Wi-Fi network in the small town of Mountain View. In this work at the search giant had gone almost a year. A municipality intending to deploy their own networks in general talk about the planned work over the years.
However, in case of failure to legitimize the idea of ​​' neutral networks ', only the municipal Wi-Fi- access, in some ways similar to the principles of open architecture operating system Linux, can withstand the monopolistic attitudes of large telecommunications companies. Because only the free network will ensure the normal development of young companies in the field of telecommunications services without having to own a huge infrastructure or substantial initial capital.
However, the development of own urban Wi-Fi networks as long as is ' with difficulty '. Large operators are spending a lot of money on lobbying prohibitions of such projects. The main argument put forward the thesis of ' dishonesty ' competition of commercial companies that rely only on themselves, with municipal services, relying on the resources of the state level.
Source:. Nag. ru.

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