The end of the calendar year - worsening in the automotive world. Concerns sypyat innovations in dealer showrooms, and intriguing, showing pictures of spare parts ( teasers) of new models.
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Nikolai Khalezin appealed to Alexander Lukashenko in an open letter.
For a long time sitting in front of a blank sheet, and could not begin to write - still could not find a form, as you seek. Contact ... Yes, you yourself, do not recall that spoke to someone ... Write ... Therefore, and asked - ...
I know, I want to ask - why am I, a man almost a stranger, suddenly decided to write to you, remembering half-forgotten people in the epistolary genre? . Part we have seen with you three times, and once even shook hands - it was in those times, when most people thought that you can still re-. I was a journalist, you are - beginner king. We were in constant conflict, I spoiled the mood of your own articles, and collages, published weekly on the last page of the newspaper ...
But I am writing to you not so: because he could simply wait for their moment of joy, using irrefutable wisdom - ... You made me write, jailing my friends. I planted a cynical, mean, running them through all the circles of hell - torture, humiliation, physical pain. Once one of them - Andrei Sannikov - wrote you letters, publishing them in newspapers and trying to instruct on the right path: first, the two ... Not so long ago I realized that the more he will not write to you - Now you are unlikely to intersect: when it comes to freedom, you will not be. You are dispersed in time - what is the point man, think about the future, to communicate with a person living past. But it would be unfair if no one else can tell you what he thinks about your person. So I decided to write. Send you to understand - there is always someone who cherknet you a couple of lines. Even in prison.
In recent years, Sasha, I began to think much about what happened to my country and its people. Why in Belarus (1 - see. footnote) - once a comfortable and cozy - it was so unbearably sick live. All my thoughts eventually led me to the same picture - you amusing in a military uniform, standing on the podium, taking the parade, consisting of trucks, which are located adorned with flowers ... And - more than any of the guilty to the crime. only you.
There are, of course, your fellow - cannibals, executioners of special services, your mischievous little boy, slavishly obedient officials, score, and so glorified you, ... All have put a brick on the curve of the barn that you build on the site of the country, which was obliged by this time become, if not prosperous, but in any case, successful. All enclosed, for which some of them later to answer before the law, anyone - to their children, others - to yourself. But you're to blame. You pressed the wrong button, under which is written - ... But when pressed, everything went the wrong way, back from not only difficult - sometimes impossible, without a huge loss. Losses not only material, but the loss of human lives, destinies. I remember when I was told the Poles in the early '90s: ... But now look at where the Polish economy, and where is your ... I remember when you appointed the Attorney General Captain Basil, already retiring, and who found refuge in Russia, told me quietly, sitting on a bench in one of Minsk: ... ...
Pressed button is released all of you, the lowest in men: what you need to stifle in himself, to correct, align. Chekhov (2 ) said, ... So what Chekhov - he had to ... What have you done for 17 years, will bail out of the shower generation. Two of my daughters, one - 12 other - 17, do not know of another head of state. They grew up with you, as once I grew up under Brezhnev (3). Our difference is that I did not know what could be another life, and they know. Know, and hate you because all your children's mind. Saves them a sense of humor - they are able to laugh at you. And what about those who have not developed that sense? .
When the youngest went to first grade, the teacher put them to watch your three-hour speech at the National Assembly. She said: ... Later I told the teacher: ... She said nothing - representatives of the Education Department (4) ordered her to love you. Now she is retired, and conceals your last words. In fact, the last - those that are only capable of a teacher who receives a miserable pension.
You're taught to hate the Belarusians - is one of your crime. You made them hate the opposition, Europeans, Russians themselves. You turned out to be an amazing teacher - now they are getting invaluable experience to all its wild and hate you. I do not recall any case in history that the entire country, clinking glasses of champagne on New Year's night, says: ... ... And this is about you, Sasha. Old people, children, young, old - it all: ... But you do not hear this, right? . You lean back in his chair, and for a moment, calm down. And at this time people go to work in a crowded public transport, holding in his fist bought the new prices travel: ...
In the evening you show up on the TV screen with a clock on the hand, which cost 17,000 dollars. Nearby, on the left, eldest - a modest little boy Vitenka ( 6) hours for 7000 dollars, the right hand - the younger, Nicky (7), with the golden gun, disguised in a general's uniform. And you say: ... Yes, whether you, Sasha, damned lie with their. It would not be, neither in a week or a month. You're still hoping for a miracle, but miracles do not happen. Carnival, Sasha ends. And the main character of his time to retire.
I understand that you do not want to believe in the final, after 17 years of the life of a fat. Best food, brought from all over the world, the Russian ... ... This is the punishment for the permissiveness of the dictators - are not experiencing the joy of anything.
Everything comes to an end, and thy inglorious reign, too,. Maybe you're still hold out some time in the sale of the country, or on those sticks minded cops who have not yet realized that soon many of them will have to retrain the defendants from the guards in the. But every day in office will be more painful for you, more and more severe for Belarus, and all the more creepy for your immediate environment. And the longer you will test the patience of all, the brutal denouement will.
Recently, I am often asked how can all result in. I am not an astrologer and magician - I can not predict the future. I can only try to predict your future based on historical experience.
I think, get away you can not.
From the riot at the dictators are only three ways: to emigrate to the grave, or in the dock.
Emigration is only possible for you to Iran, Cuba and Venezuela. The choice, quite frankly, rather poor, considering that there are about two and a half hundreds of. In your place I would choose Cuba. It can hold at least a few years - until the power family of Castro ( 12). Then comes a democracy, and you will be given to Belarus in exchange for a bag of seed varieties ...
Iran - not your style: you're not a Muslim, you do not know Arabic, there will always be an outsider. In a sense, to the point, until someone from the local mullah decides to kill you in public, taking all your money to build the biggest mosque in Iran.
In Venezuela, I would have hoped. There, Hugo (13 ), and it is the same as you are - petty and deceitful. The Americans offered him a deal to buy two oil tankers, and one of them as a gift, Hugo puts you, tied with a festive pink ribbon.
Initially wanted to include in the list of Libya, but looked at the TV screen and saw that there flies the British and French aircraft. It is unlikely that Moammar (14) you will - it is now necessary military officers, and not in the mummers Generalissimo agronomists.
Tomb of the dictators usually do not provide the opposition, Sasha, and their - mostly military people around who have skill with firearms (though the Emperor Paul I ( 15) was strangled with a scarf ), at least - family. Relatives you have turned a bit, but the danger from them - be healthy. In your place I would have special attention paid senior - Vitka. That boy grasping, and if you go over to him the financial road, while in exile for a long time to think not - to have his dad, or more profitable to remain an orphan. On average, Dima (16), do not pay attention - he was quiet, except for theft of lottery, for nothing can. Yes, and steals rather than for profit, as well - for the sake of supporting family dynasties.
Junior - Nicky - such as small and so far, but, according to eyewitnesses, you may already be regarded as a threat. Judging by the stories of members of the Minsk airport. It's me that when Nikolai (so called because its all your entourage?) Bitten through to the bone by hand stewardess, who would not let him close the door to the plane, and then shouted: ...
Sasha, my advice - be careful with those who now controls your money. When it 's time to escape, they first want to kill you to change your own status: move money from the custodians of their owners. And considering the fact that the amount of your state is measured not in millions, but billions of U.S. dollars, we can assume that the gun with a fuse, just in case they had already removed. In this question I have, so to speak, ...
Where was I?.
And, yes, in the dock.
In my opinion, this is the safest way for you.
First, no one will shoot - democratic government abolished the death penalty as soon as one of the factors that impede entry into the European Union. The maximum that you face - life imprisonment. But people live in prison. They live, pray and ask God to forgive their sins. I know you do not believe in God, but they believe it - so take my word.
Secondly, while sitting in prison, will be able to mobilize their supporters to fight for your destiny. Although, now I must go too - perhaps you yourself believe in this even less than in God.
Once I talked with one of your former ranks of major intelligence agencies. We sat in the apartment, which I then took off, the windows that overlooked the entrance of the building of the KGB. I asked him to help find some of the witnesses of the abduction and murder of Anatoly Krasovsky and Gonchar (17). He said then: ... And when the ... And not only in this case ... The boat rocked, Sasha. Soon she zacherpnet board, and on the street Komsomolskaya there all. And every second of this queue will talk about you as a customer of a series of crimes - in this I have no doubt. Most of these people will try to write off their sins against you. What else? . And thou shalt answer for it.
I think today this place is no longer able to accommodate a street Komsomolskaya. After all, it will be added to those who want to talk about explosions at the festival organized by the city and the subway. Be sure to join the security services that will be vying with each other to report on how you made them beat up people in the area and torturing prisoners in the KGB jail. And as much as will those who want to tell us about the financial swindles that suit you, your son and the inner circle - I am afraid that all of them are unable to accommodate even the Minsk stadium ... Today, they still share with you the responsibility, fearing the king's anger, but tomorrow they will be afraid of the court, and tell everything about you, in order to avoid punishment.
Are you trying to fool reality, not creating a successful country, a story about her. You take the example of the Soviet Union - the country that no longer exists; found virtually non-existent enemies and defeated them, trying to build a working model of the economy with the help of spells, characters traits confer scum. You tried to create a story, claiming to be the main storyteller, and, eventually, it became the only character. In fairy tales, as you know, there are only two kinds of characters - The heroes and shit. In the end, it turned out that the heroes were those who had been killed: Zakharenko, Karpenko, Krasovsky, Gonchar, Zawadzki, Byabenin, whom you threw into prison: Sannikov, Statkevich, Uss, Mirzoyan, Atroshchankau, Bondarenko. tens, who went through arrests, beatings, jail over the years of your reign. hundreds of. They - Heroes, and you, with all its surroundings, therefore - Shit. Although many people today do not even agree with my description, but with that which Konstantin Sannikov, grandfather Andrew, one of the founders of the modern Belarusian theater, gave the most careless student: ...
Do you remember how to develop a fabulous story, Sasha? . Other versions of the story in this genre does not exist: Hercules - wins; Shit - killed or runs. And even the most talented storyteller can not change this pattern of development of the plot. Otherwise be lost genre, it is impossible to. Axiom ( 18), Sasha.
I am sorry that the first president of my country was not Bogatyrev. But you can not grieve for a long time about this, grieving for lost years and opportunities. We need to turn the page and go on. Now without you.
I want to reiterate the request Sannikov, which he repeated in every letter to you, go away, Sasha. Get out while you can do it without panic and hysteria. Get out while on your conscience did not have an even greater number of victims. Do not push the country to greater levels than that which was spilled on an area. You're already know yourself that story ended - came the reality that, I suppose you feel waking up every morning.
Anyway, it's time to finish - I said everything I wanted. I do not know whether you are finished reading this far. Judging by the fact that Nikolay, your little brother, gave Pope Benedict XVI ( 19) primer, in your ability to read long texts, I doubt. Sannikov is understood, therefore, wrote a brief - half page page. But I have a legitimate reason - it's still the last letter.
Now I sit and think how to say goodbye to you. Just sign up without saying goodbye - I'm not an Englishman. Write a ... If we bear in mind our coming meeting with you - so in the hell do I need it, but if the ... Perhaps more appropriate would be the word ...
Goodbye Sasha.
P. S. If you need a public defender in the judicial process, treat. I honestly try to find you something good, and at the same time to atone for the sin of hatred, which today, unfortunately, lives in me.
Nikolai Khalezin (21).
May 30, 2011.
Dictionary of difficult words. Necessary explanations for Sasha.
(1) Belarus - a country in eastern Europe. Has no sea, no mountains, no gas, there is almost no oil, but very little natural resources. By and large, there are only people, whose number decreases with each passing day. Do you like this country operate a.
(2) of Chekhov - Anton Chekhov, the great Russian playwright. In his plays ever written about people like you. I thought that there is no such.
(3) Brezhnev - Leonid Brezhnev, General Secretary of the CPSU. The man who led the Soviet Union, and befoul the first 20 years of my life.
(4) The Education Department - Office for the training of teachers. Engaged in the production of circulars, which can be guided by all the children to grow up so what are you up.
(5) EKOOM - sociological service, which gives the results of research, the figure of the figure coincide with those made-up of your administration. The staffing structure - two dozen rural accountants of the Mogilev region.
(6) Vitenka - your eldest son. A dark-haired, with a mustache - sometimes comes back to your office. Well, who drove the money in Venezuela.
(7), Nicky - your youngest son. The people they call ... Little of this, in a general's rank. Which pope football beat, and for this to ABC gave. He was still sitting in thine hands during meetings on the modernization of petrochemical industry.
(8) Kohl Basque - Russian singer, repeatedly kissed you at the concerts of the festival ... a blond. The people talking that gay, but women are ... And you do not believe.
(9) Karimov - Islam Karimov, the Uzbek president. your Friend. Swarthy such silent all the time and looking around anxiously storonaam. Well, you're still at the summits do not know what to talk to him. One that hundreds of Uzbeks ordered to shoot at peaceful demonstrantsii in Andijan.
(10) Berdimuhamedov - Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov Myalikkulievich, President of Turkmenistan. your Friend. Well, this dark-haired, in a mink fur cap summer walks. Which Saparmurad, the previous ... They say that like it was his Dad.
(11) Lidia - Lidia Yermoshina, the head of your CEC. That in Paris still can not reach. This, like the peasant drinking. She is still Belarusians for each term of your sentence. Which, they say, under 15 years of special treatment was breaking.
(12) Castro - Fidel and Raul Castro, former and current leaders of Cuba. Bros. One, kind of like Koschey Immortal, which a needle in the egg and the egg was lost. And the second is waiting for the egg there, that America has started credited.
(13) Hugo - Hugo Chavez, Venezuela's President. your Friend. a dark-haired. Do you remember? .
(14) Moammar - a former leader of Libya. A beautiful, which you all asked for the uniform pattern of white.
(15 ) Paul I - Russian Emperor. In war, was wrapped up and taught to march all the beautiful. Fed up, however, marching with the environment - they strangled him, and quiet in the houses of the white scarf.
(16) Dima - your average boy. Although understanding of what it means, it is difficult - the people say, that you have them in the amount of 5 or 6. But he seems like the second from the edge of the older, because the rest had already been conceived in Minsk. In short, we call it the ...
(17), Anatoly Krasovsky and Viktor Gonchar - two friends. One - a businessman who helped the opposition with money, the other - the head of the Central Election Commission and the Deputy Speaker of Parliament. They were killed by a group led by Dima Pavlichenko, your partner in crime. Remember him? . With him still in the company Sheiman, Sivakov was, and Interior Minister Vladimir Naumov them covered. C'mon, do not hurt, will meet at the confrontation - remember.
(18) Axiom - a rule, taken for granted. ... You can even make out the example Myasnikovich, but I think you yourself have already understood.
(19) Pope Benedict XVI - Pope. A man so old, dressed in white, embroidered with gold thread. Are you still with him in the Vatican, stayed, and your son, Nicholas, ABC gave him a once in a corridor of the papal residence in the football played. Kohl when he stroked the head, you're still whispered, ... I do not know what he had to endure it, but I hope it does not let you down Jr..
(20 ) Galina Radzivonauna - your wife, according to the declaration filed with the CEC. Victor's mother and Dimka - ... Moved, like, from Alexandria to Shklov. People gossip that she is waiting for you. He loves, to see.
(21 ) Nikolay Khalezin - the author of this message. In the past - a journalist, now - the art director of Belarus Free Theatre. a hairy. Do not suffer, do not remember - Chairman of the KGB files will immediately, finish reading the letter.
http://www. charter97. org /.
Already signed between the governments of Bulgaria and Japan on the joint construction of one of the world's largest solar power plant ( SPP ) in the eastern part of the Balkan countries. Exactly one year later will come into operation the first stage of the SPP capacity of 50 MW, within five years the performance of the station will be increased to 250 MW.
The Russian company Lukoil is also interested in building solar and wind power plants in Bulgaria, confirmed a company representative in. Zubakin. In Russia, there is no system of state support for alternative sources of energy, so the actions of Lukoil in this area focus on overseas markets. Currently, negotiations with the Bulgarian authorities and companies, clarity regarding the participation in the development of the Bulgarian LOKOYLa alternative energy come to the end of the year.
Details of the wedding 30 years of Chelsea and 32 -year-old investment banker Marc Mezvinsky have become overgrown with all kinds of rumors. According to journalists, VIP invitation to the wedding, scheduled for July 31, received a British ex-prime minister John Major and Tony Blair and media mogul Ted Turner, director Steven Spielberg and popular TV host Oprah Winfrey Show. A celebration will be held, according to recent reports, in a luxurious mansion ' Astor Courts ' in the town Reinbek ( New York ).
Young couple met for a long time, and know they have more - more than fifteen years. The name of the daughter of ex-president, who sought to keep a low profile in public, is now found in the news. As the British newspaper ' The Sunday Telegraph ', Chelsea can now take a leading position in the Clinton Foundation, and in the future - and to change its 63 -year-old father as head of the charity. Chelsea politics - unlike their parents - do not want to.
However, now the family of Clinton, and not to politics. They are sick of working on weddings. Journalists have already figured how much ' pull ' marriage ' American Princess '. It is estimated that the amount could reach two million dollars. This includes the mansion and rent - from 125 to 200 thousand dollars, and cocktails and dinner, and snacks for guests - about 750 thousand, and flower - about a quarter of a million dollars, and night lighting manor ' Astor Courts ' - 75-100 thousand dollars. Only one mailing formal invitations will cost 40-50 thousand dollars.
Perhaps the most expensive wedding was the marriage of a Russian singer Alsou and Yan Abramov, a businessman in March 2006. According to some information on the decor and the rental of the hall ( it was a concert hall ... Originally supposed to invite to the wedding, Jennifer Lopez, Celine Dion and Ricky Martin, but in the end it was decided to save: the audience entertained the Italian group Ricchi e Poveri ( her performance is rumored to have cost about 50,000 dollars).
Lavishly celebrated the wedding and producer Yana Rudkovskaya and figure skater Yevgeny Plushenko. The bride had a dress by Roberto Cavalli for 100,000 euros, and the very triumph of the cost pair, as written, some media outlets, 1.5 million euros.
Vasily Nikolaev.
Permanent address.
News from Skypecine. com.
The court sentenced the student city of Cheboksary, cracked -mail account of one of the users ' Yandex ' and tried to take advantage of its online wallet, to 14 months imprisonment.
By decision of the court the offender receives a sentence of Article. 272 h. 1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ( illegal access to computer information protected by law ) in the form of suspended sentence of one year and two months.
According to Maria Grachev, director of marketing ' Yandex. Money 'in the company's corporate blog, ... Money ' by all means try to protect their users from fraud - technical and organizational methods. This, on the other hand, deals with Russia and the Ministry of Interior.
According to the deputy chief of the press center of MIA of Russia Paul Klimovsk, this event - is not the only example of successful work in the apprehension of fraudsters. Today, the Russian Interior Ministry branch departments establish contacts with Russian Internet companies, and they, in turn, assist in the successful solving crimes of this kind.
Nice tits - it's always Gut. When you look at them in the appropriate setting. For example, the evening, doing nothing, and you open your favorite site, move the mouse left-handed and right-.
But blogs have nothing to do boobs. There is no secret. Nude, and in general any hint of sexual intercourse, even in a beautiful and erotic form of distraction from the text. The thing is a long- tested and known for years in advertising dtsat. Even the term coined for this case. ' energy vampirism in advertising '. When the image pulls on the meaning of the message itself. It turns out that the tits are posted in the post, he will leave the post unattended.
That's just in puberty is difficult to refuse other people's boobs show in his journal. Maybe blogs are only better if the boobs, because then there is something to see in the blog, there is nothing to read.
If you do decide on the placement of boobs, check the following things:.
- Boobs at least 18 years old. ( child porn ). ,.
- Agree on the tits a publication in your journal. (violation of privacy and copyright). ,.
- Author photo, too, is not tit to the publication. ( copyright infringement ).
If all these conditions are satisfied, then re-read the text again, make sure that it is ' sad shit ', and then easily insert into the post tits. If the text deserves to be read, then reread the post. Maybe it will help you to change the view. If not, just look at the tits on top.
Users of electronic atlas of Google Earth can now view information on projected climate change on our planet by the end of this century. A new project called Climate Change in Our World, and is a collaboration of Google, the British Meteorological Agency and the British Antarctic Survey.
System of Climate Change in Our World in the Google Earth service provides users with two additional layers of information. On one of them you can see the average estimates of temperature rise by the end of this century. Data can be viewed as throughout the world and focus on a particular region or even city. The second information layer displays information about the melting of glaciers.
In addition, climatic Google Earth maps provide information on the environmental situation in certain areas. Users can also read the statistics and find out what measures can be taken to prevent global climate change.
According to expert forecasts, in this century the average temperature on Earth will increase by 1,8-4,0 ° C due to emissions of greenhouse gases. This will trigger floods and food shortages, threatening millions of lives.
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In this article we will tell you about those factors that may determine the tendency of women to play with fire and start a secret stories.
a. Just a chance to.
Ability to commit treason - a major factor, according to various investigators adultery. When a woman is given the opportunity, she will make 40% of cases, treason.
So to seduce even the married woman is not as difficult as it seems from the beginning. Need a favorable case.
2. At work.
Is there a better opportunity to tighten the novel than the one that appears in the office, which is full of attractive men? . Of course, we do not want to say that all women employed in the work of their husbands change, just easier for them to do it without arousing suspicion.
The relationship between female employment and marital fidelity was traced for a long time. Half of the ' official ' novels is afoot among married women. The average statistics of a third of married women has found a lover in the workplace. Apparently, the job - a very sexy place.
3. Infidelity in a marriage of parents.
According to psychiatrists, psychologists, psychologists have a clear tendency to repeat ' family tradition ' in the behavior of grown up children. If the child saw the betrayal of a parent, he may well conclude that infidelity in the family life is quite normal.
4. The woman - the initiator of sex in marriage.
Sociologists believe that in most cases, if a woman is the initiator of sex at home, she tends to change.
Especially, this tendency is for women who have reached forty years. They have a different view of the initiative in sex than women who are willing to wait for the invite man.
5. justification for infidelity.
The woman justifies her infidelity, if feels unhappy in marriage, if she is to the separation from her husband if she falls in love with someone else, if you do not get sexual satisfaction in marriage, etc. Dr.. In such circumstances, and look at them like women are more likely change, finding the ' legitimate ' justification for their actions.
6. An example of betrayal.
Powerful factor in women's infidelity is an example of a friend. It may be just a conversation about husbands and lovers. The more a woman's relationships, the greater her friends, which also change in marriage.
7. In the City - more options.
In a big city, where each other, no one knows much easier to have an affair, and more importantly to hide it than in a small town, where words can not say too much because everything will already know.
8. The woman - the head of the family.
The woman who plays the leading role, is more likely to have an extramarital affair. It is more proactive than the woman who obeys her husband around, and obviously more confident in myself and my future.
9. My husband loves his wife.
Most often, a partner who loves less, less dependent, therefore, more prone to risk marriage. On the other hand, the more dependent partner is too cherishes marriage to even look in the direction. Also, it refers to those women who do not love their husbands, and married on the calculation of.
10. Young alter more.
Women in the youngest age group, have more extramarital affairs than women older. Sociologists have found that the largest share of adultery has on the female age group 26-30 years. Studies in recent years claim that the young wife is now changing more frequently than younger husbands.
11. Women in the forty years.
Between thirty and forty years of married women often decide to extramarital affairs.
This may be because the marriages of women who give birth at an early age lovers often break. In general, the young woman, changing husbands, divorced more frequently than mature women. The average and the most common age for adultery - 35 years. This is the most ' dangerous ' for women age.
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The company eMarketer has published a report on the study of the level of Internet penetration in various countries around the world. So, in what countries Internet users more?.
The undisputed leader in terms of Internet penetration - South Korea. In this country into the World Network of leaves 72.7% of citizens ( 35.6 million. people). By the number of Internet users ahead of the rest, of course, the United States - 188.1 million. Americans regularly use the Internet - is 65.2 % of the population.
In total a fraction ahead of America, Canada (65.3 % of the population or 21.8 million. Internet users ). Actively go online Australian citizens (66.7 % or 13.6 million. ), Japan (69.9 % or 89.1 million. inhabitants).
Half of Internet users are the citizens of the EU. Regularly access the Internet 61.2% English, 51.8% of Italians, 51% of Germans, French, 50.6% and only 45.2% of Italians.
' Where is Russia ' - you might ask? . ru, in our country, only 21 % of Russians goes online at least once a week, and the entire Russian Internet audience is 26 % of the total adult population. This is - 29.4 million. man.