Monday, April 16, 2012

Service Google Earth started to display the projected climate change

googleUsers of electronic atlas of Google Earth can now view information on projected climate change on our planet by the end of this century. A new project called Climate Change in Our World, and is a collaboration of Google, the British Meteorological Agency and the British Antarctic Survey.

System of Climate Change in Our World in the Google Earth service provides users with two additional layers of information. On one of them you can see the average estimates of temperature rise by the end of this century. Data can be viewed as throughout the world and focus on a particular region or even city. The second information layer displays information about the melting of glaciers.

In addition, climatic Google Earth maps provide information on the environmental situation in certain areas. Users can also read the statistics and find out what measures can be taken to prevent global climate change.

According to expert forecasts, in this century the average temperature on Earth will increase by 1,8-4,0 ° C due to emissions of greenhouse gases. This will trigger floods and food shortages, threatening millions of lives.

net. compulenta. ru.

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