Sunday, April 22, 2012

' There are other houses...'

Leonid Fedorov, in an interview. http://www. rusrep. ru/2010/09/interview_fedorov /. told a story about his friend, a young man to teach drawing at school. One day he asked children to draw a house. And all the painted rectangles Khrushchev. It turned out that the St. Petersburg Children have never been at the center. And he began to take out every weekend and show them that there are other houses.

( Digression: On! - ' There are other houses. ' A good name. ).

For some reason, wanted to - about Leonid Fedorov. ' For me, music - everything that is happening around. Music is in every moment whether I sing, not sing, 'he says.

The soloist of the legendary ... The latest album ... Fedorov turned again to the poetry of Velimir Khlebnikov - this time based album went to a poem ... Fedorov did not see anything special to write songs based on poems by one of the most radical avant-garde of the 1920s and did not consider them to abstruse: ... His line - they seemed to curl his lips. Just listen: the world is extinguished, the world is extinguished, the world is killed, he was a cock! ... The album can be found on the Internet, link will not give. Surely there is a ' Good '.

Official Site of Leonid Fyodorov:. http://www. leonidfedorov. ru /.

He must listen to. He has, with rare exceptions, does not write lyrics to their tunes. But remember you want. What is it?.

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